Quality Over Quantity
We’ve all heard the saying “quality over quantity”, but do we really understand it enough to apply it to our everyday lives? With graduating college and transitioning into a new stage of life, it has become evident how important quality is in so many aspects of life.
Quality of Your Days
One of the things I have been trying to be more discipline with myself lately is my morning routine before I go to work, specifically going to the gym. It is always hard for me because usually going to the gym before work means waking up and going at 5am, and who wants to lift weights that early in the morning?! After getting back into the routine of waking up this early, I quickly came to realize that I would much rather have one good work out and feel good internally than be lazily working out every morning just to check off a box.
Thats where the quality over quantity comes in.
While I love having and sticking to a routine, I would much rather do something three times a week to the best of my ability, than give half of my effort to something everyday. Results come from discipline and consistency, but only if you show up compeltely for yourself.
Quality in Your Relationships
In college, you meet so many people. You are constantly grabbing lunch, coffee, or studying with new people. While it’s great to have so many connections and different groups of people you can go to for different things, I’ve learned to value quality over quantity in my friendships.
You may be thinking “But what if I need five different friend groups to appeal to all five different parts of my life?”, and while that is completely fine, if you truly invest that time in to certain people, God will allow those people to benefit and motivate you in every aspect of your life. Having quality friends means having people that you can go to for anything. Allow yourself to truly dive into those relationships!
Quality of Your Work
Something that is a constant internal battle is quality over quantity in my work. I used to love posting every single day on my social media and constantly be creating new content. The problem with this is that it always led me two places: burnt out or posting things I wasn’t proud of.
While it is hard, I am still trying to learn a balance of quality over quantity in my personal work. If that means not posting anything for four days, then so be it. Your work is a reflection of you, and if half of it is filled with things you are not proud of, is that truly a reflection of you?
Love and reflect yourself enough to fill your cups in all aspects of life. If that means taking a break sometimes, take a break! Value quality over quantity always, you deserve to live the best life!